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Dental Implants

May 7, 2010

Filed under: New Technologies — admin @ 1:31 pm

Patients often ask me a variety of questions regarding dental implants.  A dental implant is an artificial tooth root (synthetic material) that is surgically anchored into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth, bridge or a denture in place. 

     In order to be a candidate to have implants, you must be in good health and have the proper bone structure and healthy gums for the implant to stay  in place.  The success rate for implants decreases if you suffer from problems such as clenching, grinding, diabetes, smoking and alcohol.

     A question which is asked every time I discuss implants is, “What is the success rate of implants?” Hundreds of thousands of dental implants have been placed over the last few years.  Research has been conducted all over the world and the success rate for implants has been between 90% to 97% over the last thirty years.

     The  main benefit of using dental implants is that they do not rely on neighboring teeth for support.  Your natural teeth are not altered in order to place a crown or bridge.  Dental implants look and feel like your own teeth.

Reasons I Cannot Practice Without Dexis Digital X-Rays.

April 12, 2010

Filed under: New Technologies — admin @ 10:08 am

The Dexis digital x-ray – what an amazing diagnostic tool. We can now see decay probably 2 to 3 years earlier than with standard x-rays. What this means to our patients is that if we find the decay sooner:
1) The decay will have less time to destroy tooth structure.
2) I will need to do less drilling which according to everyone I know is a good thing.
3) The size of the filling will be smaller which means less cost.
I know patients feel that we are finding areas of decay that were not there 6 months ago. These cavities were present we simply could not see them because they were so small. Thanks to Dexis they can no longer hide !

Dentistry Goes Green

March 25, 2010

Filed under: New Technologies — admin @ 2:55 pm

Everyone who lives on this planet should be concerned with being eco-friendly.  Dentists are beginning to move toward green.  Recently an article in New Beauty by Erica Pearlman outlined what make an eco-friendly dentist. The traditional procedure of drilling is being replaced by the green option of lasers.  The beams of light energy emitted by lasers can prepare teeth for fillings, surgical treatment of gums and gum recontouring. Lasers allow dentists to be more conservative and holistic.  The traditional procedure of metal fillings is now replaced by composite fillings. By using tooth-colored resin material to fill cavities instead of metal, dentists enhance both the health and beauty of the mouth and minimize the risks of environmental pollution. The traditional procedure of dentures can now be replaced with implants.  Dentures require a great deal of maintenance, materials and production chemicals.  Dental implants are performed in one visit using fewer materials in less time. The traditional dental x-rays are now replaced with digital x-rays.  Digital x-rays use about 80% less radiation can save 200 liters of toxic x-ray chemicals and eliminate 17,200 film foils over a five year period. The green dental movement has just begun and will continue to advance and improve ways of  reducing  pollutants for few years to come.

What Causes Teeth To Stain?

March 15, 2010

Filed under: New Technologies — admin @ 10:18 am

 At any time during a persons life the color of their teeth can be influenced by a number of factors.

  • Foods that stain teeth:  Soy sauce, berries, curry, coffee, red wine (even my favorite Pinot Noir) dark soda, dark fruit juice
  • Tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, pipes and even smokeless tobacco can cause tooth staining.
  • Medications  such as Tetracycline and Doxycycline will cause teeth to stain if it is taken during those periods when teeth formation is occurring (i.e. pregnant women and children 8 years and under) 
  • Extremely hot or cold liquids: can cause your teeth to expand and contract allowing stains to penetrate your teeth.
  • Slightly acidic foods:  opens up the pores of the tooth enamel allowing stains to more easily move into your teeth.

To limit staining brush, floss and have regular dental cleanings and try to avoid events and foods that promote stain.

Jaw Position and Mouthguards Improve Performance

January 15, 2010

Filed under: New Technologies — admin @ 1:21 pm


      An article in the sports section of  the Los Angeles Times, from Friday November 6th  has  attracted a great deal of interest and questions among patients.

  The article titled “Money were mouth is” discusses  how custom-fitted mouthguards  give athletes “increased strength, flexibility and endurance by optimizing their bite”  Forty of the then undefeated New Orleans Saints  Pro Football team  are now wearing the special mouthguards.  The Makkar PPM (Pure Power Mouthguard) is designed not only to protect the teeth but also to “align the lower jaw in an optimal position.”

       As most of you who read my articles know, I am a big fan of a “balanced bite.”  That is when the teeth, jaw joints and muscles work in harmony with each other.  It is a known clinical fact that a bad bite can cause multitude of problems such as sore jaw joints, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, headaches, neck and back pain and the list can go on.  According to PPM “a misaligned jaw puts pressure on cranial nerves and tenses jaw muscles.  An aligned jaw opens the breathing airway and relieves pressure on the articular disc.”

So if I am asked if a mouthguard can  improve performance, my answer is possibly.  Is a mouth guard a necessity for anyone playing a sport – absolutely!

Dexis Digital X-Rays

September 17, 2009

Filed under: New Technologies — admin @ 5:52 pm

The future of dental x-rays is now.  One month ago the new Dexis Platinum dental x-ray sensor began to be delivered to selected dentists.  Computerized or digital x-rays use less radiation than traditional x-ray film.  Instead of a piece of film, the digital sensor is placed in the mouth to take an x-ray.  The Dexis Platinum sensor has rounded corners and a smooth covering that can help make x-rays more comfortable for patients.

An additional benefit of digital x-rays is that there is less waiting time for the doctor and patient to see the x-ray.  As soon as the x-ray is taken, it immediately appears on the computer screen.  Personally, I love digital x-rays because the software program allows me to make various enhancements to the x-rays which improve my ability to diagnose and treat dental conditions.  The on screen enhancements also give me a unique opportunity to show patients their x-ray up on the computer screen, allowing them to see exactly what I see so that each patient can better understand the problem and the treatment options.  Digital x-rays reduce exposure to radiation, lessen the waiting time, improve diagnosis and patient understanding.  The future is now!

Published Health Beat Magazine Sept 17, 2009

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